What Is a Cryptocurrency Wallet, and Why Do You Need One?

A cryptocurrency wallet is a piece of software which is used to store and manage your cryptocurrencies and tokens, such as TVK, VPP (Prestige Points), ADA (Cardano), SOL (Solana), Ethereum (ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155), and BTC (Bitcoin). They also allow you to interact with blockchain technologies.

Why do I need a cryptocurrency wallet to register an account on Virtua?

  • A cryptocurrency wallet enables you to interact with the blockchain layer of Virtua technology. Your wallet will securely authorise your access to the website, and help you to keep track of any transactions that you perform.

  • Your wallet will also act as storage for any ERC-20 tokens that you have from Virtua, such as TVK, VPP, and any virtual goods that you might own - such as land and other NFTs. For example, you might earn VPP for being a valued Prestige member, and would therefore need somewhere to store it.

  • A cryptocurrency wallet provides you with true ownership of everything that you purchase, earn, or win on Virtua's platform. You will always have control and access to these virtual goods as long as you remain in control of your wallet.

What wallets can I use to register for Virtua?

At the time of writing, Virtua officially supports the MetaMask and Nami wallets.

Always save your wallet's security key or passphrase in a safe place, including as a physical back-up (not on your computer). Keep it safe - and never, ever share it with anyone, even if they claim to work for Virtua.

Always keep your login information secret, safe, and secure, and do not share it with anyone under any circumstances. Use a strong and secure password that nobody else could ever guess (but that you will still be able to remember). If you need to make a backup of your login details, do not store this information on your computer - use a physical copy and store it in a secure place that you'll be able to easily remember and access if you need to.

In some support cases, you may be asked to share your wallet address. This is safe to hand out as it does not give anyone access to your account. However, you may still prefer to do so privately.

Last updated