Monster Zone Land Benefits

Owning a Pioneer Land Plot or Condo in the Edge Zone that borders the Monster Zone, is one of the most prestigious status indicators of any inhabitant of Virtua Prime.

Owning a Pioneer Land Plot or Condo in the Edge Zone signifies an insatiable curiosity, a lust for adventure, and total fearlessness – as well as access to unique resources, views, perks, and experiences that do not exist anywhere else.

Revenue Share

All landowners of plots Medium and above will share in the wider benefits of the Monster Zone.

5% of revenue made from primary sales on the generative monster drops shall be assigned to a treasury specifically dedicated to Monster Zone.

After each drop the treasury shall be made available for claim by qualifying land owners via a claim portal. Payments are to be to the users connected wallets addresses made in $TVK or $ADA (utilizing a spot conversion).

% Share of Rewards Pool

  • Medium Land Holders 70% (shared between 1,950 plots)

  • Large Land Holders 28% (shared between 860 plots)

  • Giga Land Holders 2% (shred between 2 plots)

Giga plot condos

Giga plot holders are entitled to build a Condo tower of limited size on their land plot to sell for revenue share with Virtua.

Only 1 condo tower can be built on each plot with a limit of 500 condos per tower, at a Revenue share of 50% with Virtua.

Condo tower building permit to be claimed within 12 months of land purchase. Building permit must be converted into a build within 6 months of claim. Condo tower buildings requires correct resources and builder bots to be held by land owner.

Free Landbots

Giga plot holders get all the landbots for FREE.

FREE Starter Cribs

“A Starter Crib” is a building NFT, which only landowners receive. This is a building to showcase their NFTs. Cribs are simple 1 room villas.

Starter Cribs are 3 sizes, small, medium and large - corresponding to the land sizes. Giga plot holders will receive a large Crib.

Over time it will be possible for landowners to improve their Crib, either through the addition of crafted items within their space or they will be able to upgrade or purchase a new Crib from the marketplace.

The Virtua platform will allow the crib to be linked to a particular land deed so that they can be represented/navigated visually in the metaverse. The ultimate goal is to walk out of the villa, see it from outside, and be in the metaverse - but this is for a future phase.

Last updated